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About Neighborhood Caucus Night

Neighborhood Caucus is the bi-annual meeting of a party precinct where neighbors elect new precinct leaders and precinct delegates who reflect the values of the neighborhood and the party.

Precinct Leaders promote the party and coordinate party efforts within the precinct, such as voter registration, get-out-the vote drives, and planning the next Neighborhood Caucus.

Precinct Delegates work on behalf of the precinct to review and vet party candidates for public office, then vote with other delegates to bring the best two candidates in each race to the party primary.

Presidential Preference Poll

The Utah Republican Party will be holding the 2024 Presidential Preference Poll at the Neighborhood Caucus Night. This will replace the Presidential Primary and will determine the allocation of Utah’s National Delegates to the Republican National Convention.

Precinct Positions

The neighborhood precinct has five roles: Precinct Chair, Precinct Vice-Chair, Precinct Secretary, State Delegate and County Delegate. Each of these roles plays an important part of having the voice and values of the precinct be reflected in the party and the party candidates that are chosen.

Caucus Locator

With the recent redistricting, many things have changed, including your precinct. Click on the icon above to learn about your new precinct and where to attend your Neighborhood Caucus Night.



Neighborhood Caucuses are in every corner, and every neighborhood in the State of Utah.

Neighborhood Precincts
State Delegates